MAVEN STANDING SMALL (1000ML) Silicone Bag/Pouch Food Safe & Leakproof
MAVEN STANDING SMALL (1000ML) Silicone Bag/Pouch Food Safe & Leakproof
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NEW MODEL STANDING SMALL 1000ml - Seal ramping & rapat, bukaan lebih lebar & lentur, bagian alas dapat dilipat
Dimension: 22 x 16 x 7cm (panjang ke samping x tinggi x lebar alas)
Weight: 150g
MAVEN SILICONE BAG terbuat dari 100% food grade platinum silicone, tahan suhu -40C to 240C, anti bocor, dapat dipakai berulang kali, aman masuk microwave, oven, dishwasher, freezer, stovetop & sous-vide, steam & UV sterilizer.
Platinum Silicone yang kami gunakan terbuat dari campuran sand (silica) & oxygen. Tidak menggunakan filler/ polymer/ zat berbahaya. Bebas BPA, PVC, dan Phthalates. FDA & LFGB approved
- Saat menggunakan Maven Silicone Bag dalam microwave/ oven, jangan tutup seal seluruhnya! Sisakan sebagian seal terbuka sebagai jalur keluar uap panas
- Hindari penggunaan benda tajam karena dapat merobek silicone bag
- Cuci dengan air sabun & spons yg lembut / dishwasher. JANGAN membalik bagian dalam keluar karena dapat merusak seal penutup
- Setelah mencuci, lap sisa air dengan tissue dapur/ kain bersih untuk menghindari bercak air (tidak berbahaya, tetapi dapat mengurangi estetik/ tampilan silicone bag
- Untuk menghilangkan bau/ noda silicone bag, rendam 30 menit dalam campuran 1:1 alcohol:air / cuka:air / air bekas cucian beras (pilih salah satu), lalu jemur di bawah sinar matahari selama 8 jam.
MAVEN SILICONE BAG is made of 100% pure platinum food-grade silicone, leak-proof, reusable and safe in microwave, oven, dishwasher, freezer, stove top & sous-vide. (Temperature from -40C to 240C)
Our Platinum Silicone is mostly made of sand (silica) & oxygen with no filler/ polymer/ dangerous substances.
NO BPA, NO PVC, dan NO Phthalates. FDA & LFGB approved.
- To microwave/ oven, open the seal partially to let the hot steam out. DO NOT fully close the bag
- Be careful with sharp objects as it might puncture the silicone bag
- To clean, place the bag in the upper rack of the dishwasher or hand wash with soap, soft sponge, and warm water. DO NOT turn the bag inside out. Wipe excess water with paper towel to prevent water spots
- To remove smell/ stain, soak in 1:1 mixture of alcohol:water / vinegar:water / water left from washing rice for 30 mins, then place the bags under direct sunlight for 8 hours